Friday, July 3, 2009

Magazine Model

I wrote this poem about four years ago when I was in Broken Bridge Writing Workshop. This is for all the women who are not "models" but are beautiful no matter what.

Magazine Model

Am I suppose to look like that
Model on the front page of a magazine
Where every bone on her body is seen
Thin lips
No hips
Skinny as a tooth pick
What is her trick?

Salad, then vomit what she ate
This peer pressure I hate
Having to count calories and fat
How can a teen live like that

I’m supposed to walk around
with my breasts as big as melons
But instead they look like lemons
Every bone on my body is suppose to show
In order for me to glow
My thighs are suppose to be as thick as my thumb
I can only fit in crumbs
Or nibble on crackers
Every time I see that Parris Hilton
I want to smack her

“My love handles are out of control
I’m not beautiful cause I have rolls”
Saying it’s disgusting to have a big rare
The perfect model is a size zero and blond hair

When I am served a plate of rice
I gotta count every grain
I rather be fat then have no brain
This world makes me sick
Saying I ain’t good enough cause I’m thick
Men love my rare and my curves
So don’t be checking me out so soon
Only if you’re the mirror in my room